Monday, March 19, 2018

Keeping Motivation, 18.4

Happy Monday Everyone,

I'm not sure if I have any regular readers or not, but I plan to keep on trucking. So last week was a toughie, it can be hard to stay motivated when you hear negativity or are around negative people. If you've read my previous entries, you know that I can be very self conscience and still occasionally have issues with my self esteem. Last week, I happened to be on the low end of my usual spectrum and with a busy week on my schedule I didn't have much time to lean on my support structure (see Family) so I struggled to maintain my diet and routine. I ended up having to workout Monday, Tuesday and Friday(Open Testing 18.3) due to Golden Knights tickets I had on Wednesday, work was hectic with having to put on a huge presentation and tons of meetings.
To put it simply I got depressed.
Monday's Wod actually helped me regain a lot of confidence. I increased my thruster max from 95 to 130lbs! and I managed a good score with the jumping back squats and knee raise Tabata.

(Tabata training is one of the most popular forms of high-intensity interval training (HIIT). It consists of eight rounds of ultra-high-intensity exercises in a specific 20-seconds-on, 10-seconds-off interval. )

It was Tuesday's that crushed me. Got to the gym, did warm up and saw a little bit of the negativity start with someone wanted to do the workout Rx++. This means that the individual wanted to do more that what was prescribed in the Wod. In this wod, pull-ups were scheduled to be part of the Rx and the person wanted to do muscle ups as part of the Rx, making it +.  I was learning to kip

(kipping - A form of doing pull-ups, whereby and individual struggling to do another abruptly jerks the knees upward to provide extra lift and remove the weight of said body parts from the lift equation.)

and felt a bit (only a bit at this point) ashamed that I couldn't even get close and needed to scale back to ring rows. 

I also had to scale the kettlebell swings from the Rx 1.5 pood to 1 pood. (a pood is a scale of measurement 1 pood = 36lbs) This was also an increase for me. The wod begins with a 400m run. It was here that the same person suddenly started being super negative and began insulting the wod, the gym and the trainers. Even going so far as to say another gym was better. 

This pissed me off.

Like really pissed me off.

Then I felt my motivation completely evaporate. I pretty much just went through the motions the rest of the time. I'm still not certain what really happened. I love my gym, its my refuge. The trainers are some of the most helpful, supportive people I have ever met, and the wods are tough. I mean tough and I know its not "lazy" planning like the person individual implied. It's probably due to the first time hearing anything negative about the gym and trainers added with having a shitty week. 

Well being me, I posted about it on Facebook and also being me didn't word it right and made the post sound like someone insulted me. A ton of people responded and messaged me, including one of the gym owners, in an attempt to cheer me up. It worked, but I also deleted the post due the miss wording of it. I appreciated everyone's support, but I felt the post wasn't appropriate. 

Wednesday, my Golden Knights lost to the Jersey Devils. LOL this isn't a Hockey blog or I'd go into it more. 

Friday was the 18.4 testing, can't believe that the Open is almost over. I feel like I had my best showing in it ever.  Here is the Wod
21 deadlifts 135lb
21 hand-release push-ups
15 deadlifts 135lb
15 hand-release push-ups
9 deadlifts 135lb
9 hand-release push-ups
21 deadlifts 185lb
50-ft. bear crawl
15 deadlifts 185lb
50-ft. bear crawl
9 deadlifts 185lb
50-ft. bear crawl
Time cap: 9 minutes

Of course this is the scaled version since I cannot do handstand push-ups or Handstand walks. Scoring is 1 rep and with the bear crawls, every 5ft=1 rep. I scored a 134, for the first time I don't think I was the worst score in the gym, we will see later this week but I am confident. I worked out with a guy that was new to the gym, but already in good shape and he wasn't that much ahead of me. This helped restore my confidence in myself a bit. Spending the weekend with my family completed that job. 

Things I do to succeed-
I track my food
I listen to my nutritionist
I listen to my trainers
I wake up and tell myself what I plan to do each morning.

Its nothing difficult, the hardest thing is to push through when you hurt or have lost your motivation. As someone who's almost always hurting (knees) and tends to suffer from losing motivation, the best thing you can do is just listen to those around you, they should give you good motivation, don't listen to any negativity. My Wife and Family, My Friends, My Trainers and My Doctors are always there to support me and I will always support them. 

Until Next Monday

Jeremy Olson
Podcaster, Producer, Blogger, and now Crossfitter!

Follow me on Twitter and instagram 
Twitter @FewMasterJay

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