Monday, March 12, 2018

18.3, jump rope hate, kryptonite

Happy Monday,

The last week has probably been one of the tougher weeks I've had since I started Crossfit.  All it does is make me more determined to work at getting fit even harder. So lets get the two workouts and the 18.3 wod out of the way first.

For Time
10 Thrusters (I did these at 95lbs!)
50 Double Unders (I had to scale to x3 single unders)
8 Thrusters
40 DU
6 Thrusters
30 DU
4 Thrusters
20 DU
2 Thrusters
10 DU

My time - 13mins 15seconds

Another improvement!!! I increased my thruster weight to 95lbs, my previous working weight was 75. Of course thrusters are hell on my knees and I was pretty sore that evening and the next day, the second part of the workout was pretty tough for me. I've never been good at jumping rope, even as a kid I was not the most coordinated, so I would always get myself tangled up in the rope and when gym class stopped doing jump rope sometime in elementary school I smiled and never looked back. When I first started Crossfit it was a couple weeks before it came up on the wods. I was embarrassed and couldn't do more than a couple in a row. I did do a double under once, and that was on accident and have not been able to do another since. I get frustrated at myself and it throws me off even more, what's worse is I start to get tired and that causes me to mess up, which causes me to get frustrated and the cycle continues. As an incentive to improve, Brendan scaled my double unders to single unders, but to do 3 times as many. For example the 50 double unders was replaced with 150 single unders. I am now able to get 15-30 in a row, until I get tired, then I mess up, then frustrated, then angry when I can't get my rhythm back. Once I get it back, the cycle happens again.  I understand how good of an exercise it is and how good it is for conditioning, and that's why I power through it. Loose skin bouncing and getting painful, along with it completely gassing me out, I still push and power through it.

5 RFT (Rounds for Time)

Kettlebell Overhead Walking Lunge 50ft (I scaled to 2-15lbs dumbbells)
17 Burpees

If you've read my previous blog entries, you know that I have knee problems so walking lunges are totally my kryptonite. My knees were still a little sore from Monday and I was able to stretch them out so they no longer hurt. Then I saw this wod. I nearly cried. Walking knee lunges AND burpees, both are heavy knees and did not look like a good time. Granted my burpees have gotten a lot better and I don't need to modify as much as I used too. My new knee sleeves happen to be 7mm neoprene and that was intentional for situations like this. That little bit of extra padding saves on the pain if I make contact with the ground, and enabled me to touch my knees during the lunges for awhile at first (IMPROVEMENT). I didn't complain, because I subscribe to the saying "Nut Up and Shut Up". I finished with a time of 15:38!!! I didn't die, but felt like I was trying to walk on wet noodles.


2 rounds for time of:
100 double-unders
20 overhead squats
100 double-unders
12 ring muscle-ups
100 double-unders
20 dumbbell snatches
100 double-unders
12 bar muscle-ups
Time cap: 14 minutes

Scaled: (Ages 16-54) Men perform single-unders, 45-lb. OHS, chin-over-bar pull-ups (for both MU sets), 35-lb. DB snatches Women perform single-unders, 35-lb. OH

Well fuck...

At least the scaled is single unders, but there is a caveat... I can't do pull-ups. I've never in my life been able to. In fact my goal this year is to be able to do 1. This means that my score has a max of 220 reps. I still get a tie break time of 4:56 for the SUs and OHS. but everything after doesn't count. Being me, I still scaled the MUs down to jumping pull-ups and was actually able to finish a full round and got 5 SUs into the 2nd round. I'm pretty proud of that and will keep competing.

According to the Crossfit Open App, 
Worldwide Men (40-44) I am number 25,876/28,357 and in the 8th percentile
South West Men (40-44) I am 1,261/1,380 and in the 8th percentile
Crossfit Las Vegas I am last of everyone who's submitted for every wod. There are even people that have missed submission of 1 wod that are doing better than I am. Does this disappoint me, depress me, or feeling defeated?

Hell No

4 months ago, I wasn't even able to do a push-up without scaling a lot, and now I am doing the Open! 4 years ago I was almost 500lbs and 14 months ago I was 400lbs, and now I am doing the Open! This year will also be the 9th Anniversary of my quitting smoking, I was almost 2 packs a day, and now I am doing the Open! Do I wish I had a better score or ranking? Sure I do, but this Open is setting a baseline for myself and to compare myself in a year. I doubt I will be Rx'ing but I sure won't be in the 8th percentile, with most of those I am beating not having a score or have quit because its hard. 

I like that Crossfit is hard. With something being hard and being being able to accomplish it, is a huge reward and has more value than if something was easy or given to me. I've been called an inspiration more than once, but all I do is keep getting up, putting my knee sleeves on and making ever rep count. I know its cliche, but it's really all about just doing it. 

Keeping at the nutrition, lots of protein and good fats, low in the carbs and sugar. At about 1200 calories a day on non-crossfit days.  Crossfit days I add 2-300 more, nothing super human, just using the MyfitnessPal app and smart snacking and eating. Talking to my wife whenever I feel my will power weakening and thinking about being here in the future for my sons is my motivation.

Cliches and other motivational drivel used to annoy me, but you know what, it really does work once you buy into it. You have to want it, as well as, have something to work towards is what everything boils down to. I thank the trainers and people I work out with for helping me keep going while I am working out, I thank my friends and family for helping out when I am not working out. 

Until Next Monday

Jeremy Olson
Podcaster, Producer, Blogger, and now Crossfitter!

Follow me on Twitter and instagram 
Twitter @FewMasterJay

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