Monday, March 26, 2018

18.5, End of my 1st Open, bottom 10%

Happy Monday,

So lets jump right into the Open stuff; last Friday was the last workout of the 2018 Crossfit Open for me, since I didn't have a chance to retest. It was described as the hardest 7 minutes of your life, and boy was that a correct statement. Here is the scaled version
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
3 thrusters
3 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups
6 thrusters
6 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups
9 thrusters
9 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups
12 thrusters
12 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups
15 thrusters
15 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups
18 thrusters
18 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups

This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 18, go on to 21. If you complete 21, go on to 24, etc.

Men use 65 lb.

As previous blog indicated I tend to get knee pain after workouts that have a of pressure on the knees. Thrusters are definitely on that list. A way around this for me is to warm them up (A Lot) before the workouts, since the pain doesn't normally set in until afterwards and I cool down. The was no different, but I was able push through it and pretty happy with my score of 94 reps. The last two workouts of the Open I felt were my strongest and felt the most accomplished afterwards. 

I know my workouts have been scaled and the scores are low. Heck, when I use the Crossfit Games app and look at my gym, I am the lowest score for my gym of the men that have added at least 1 score for any of the WoDs. In both the Worldwide (40-44) and South West (40-44), I am in the 9th and 8th percentile respectively. Does this disappoint me or get me down, no it doesn't. I take a couple factors into account.
1 - This was my first Open
2 - 15 months ago I was well over 400lbs
3 - I've only been doing Crossfit for 5 months
4 - I am doing something to set a bar for next year's Open

Yes it was hard and at times I really felt intimidated by everyone else that was doing it. Knowing that I was the lowest in the room can be hard. There were people not in the open that were doing the WoD as their Friday WoD that scored higher than me. The week was especially hard with some bad personal news that had me depressed all week, but this is a journey to fitness blog so I won't go into it here. It would've been so easy to give up and it was difficult to accept the congratulations from people I know had higher scores than me. At the same time, those same congrats, helped me and really inspired me to push myself. The judges and trainers that were there cheering me on and prompting me to never give up or pushing me to the next level were also a huge help and I say Thank You to them.

The other WoDs this week were not easy and Mr Negative was there on Wed again. I really need to be able to ignore him, but with the week I was having, it wasn't possible. Here are both WoDs.

Power Snatch + Overhead Squats 2+2+2+2+2
AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) 7mins
10 Wall Balls
10 Pull-ups

I could've snatched much heavier, however the added Overhead squat forced me to scale back to 65lbs. When I tried to go heavier, I got unsteady and it started some sharp pains in my right knee. Normally its my left that starts hurting, so I dropped the weight back down to a good working weight. Of course with Wall Balls, I still had to scale, but even my PR (Personal Record) improved and I was able to use a 20lb Wall Ball. See the image below for how this exercise is done.

The Pull-ups were of course jumping Pull-ups since I still have never in my life done a strict or kipping pull-up. Amazingly I was actually able to score 104 reps in the 7 mins. On the way home from the gym was when knee pains started settling in pretty strongly. Rested and I was back to normal for Wednesday.

Push Press 3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3
AMRAP 7mins
10 Toe to Bars
10 Kettlebell Swings

My previous PR for the push press was 95lbs back in January. My weight on the press fluctuated, because I was attempting a new PR, like most of the people that were around me for the workout. First one was 95lbs, which actually felt somewhat easy so on the next one I added 10lbs. Again I felt like I could do more so on next 3 rounds (Each round was 3 lifts) I was able to hit 120lbs NEW PR!!! After I was able to do that for 3 lifts at that weight, I couldn't increase it anymore and dropped back down to 110lbs. Of course it was over 100lbs below Mr Negative (I think I had mentioned he was there) who complained the WHOLE TIME about the group warm up not being effective for this lift. I swear if he wasn't happy if he wasn't complaining, however there were super positive guys also next to me that their excitement that they were able to get new PRs like myself that it was infectious. I was again lower by over 100lbs to most of them, but it didn't matter because they were excited that I was PR-ing also!

For the AMRAP part, I ended up right next Mr N, but it didn't matter he was quiet the whole time (First for everything) and I was able to keep at the exercise. My scaling was a hanging knee raises and a 25lb Kettlebell. I was able to lose myself in the WoD and almost didn't hear when the workout was over. I love it when that happens, usually I get the best workouts during that. Being able to focus and block out everything is so relaxing.

Yes I said Relaxing.

To me, the WoDs are a way to get rid of stress. Especially able to let everything go and lose yourself in your focus is the best. Using the irritants from the week, I expunged ($20 word of the day) with lifting heavy and pushing myself. The best part is the good feeling when the workout is over. The accomplishment and exhaustion go hand in hand to make that awesome feeling.

Now in addition to my normal diet, I also take some supplements.

Rhodiola Rosea - I take this to help reduce body stress and improve circulation
Turmeric Curcumin with Bioprene
  • Relieve joint & back pain
  • Reduce inflammation & skin dryness
  • Boost brain function & memory
  • Improve digestion
  • Promote cardiovascular health & normal blood pressure
  • Enhance immune & nervous systems
  • Support healthy eyes, skin, hair
  • Boost your energy & mood
And the standards
Calcium with D3

In weight news, I dropped again! I hit 222.4 this morning. My Highest was 496.6 so if my math is right I am down 274.2lbs. I've lost 2 small/medium sized people!!! This totally made my morning. 

Even with the Open being over, I plan on continuing this weekly blog. I hope people are enjoying and hope that some find motivation and inspiration. I am available and pretty responsive to questions and comments.

Jeremy Olson
Podcaster, Producer, Blogger, and now Crossfitter!

Follow me on Twitter and instagram 
Twitter @FewMasterJay

Monday, March 19, 2018

Keeping Motivation, 18.4

Happy Monday Everyone,

I'm not sure if I have any regular readers or not, but I plan to keep on trucking. So last week was a toughie, it can be hard to stay motivated when you hear negativity or are around negative people. If you've read my previous entries, you know that I can be very self conscience and still occasionally have issues with my self esteem. Last week, I happened to be on the low end of my usual spectrum and with a busy week on my schedule I didn't have much time to lean on my support structure (see Family) so I struggled to maintain my diet and routine. I ended up having to workout Monday, Tuesday and Friday(Open Testing 18.3) due to Golden Knights tickets I had on Wednesday, work was hectic with having to put on a huge presentation and tons of meetings.
To put it simply I got depressed.
Monday's Wod actually helped me regain a lot of confidence. I increased my thruster max from 95 to 130lbs! and I managed a good score with the jumping back squats and knee raise Tabata.

(Tabata training is one of the most popular forms of high-intensity interval training (HIIT). It consists of eight rounds of ultra-high-intensity exercises in a specific 20-seconds-on, 10-seconds-off interval. )

It was Tuesday's that crushed me. Got to the gym, did warm up and saw a little bit of the negativity start with someone wanted to do the workout Rx++. This means that the individual wanted to do more that what was prescribed in the Wod. In this wod, pull-ups were scheduled to be part of the Rx and the person wanted to do muscle ups as part of the Rx, making it +.  I was learning to kip

(kipping - A form of doing pull-ups, whereby and individual struggling to do another abruptly jerks the knees upward to provide extra lift and remove the weight of said body parts from the lift equation.)

and felt a bit (only a bit at this point) ashamed that I couldn't even get close and needed to scale back to ring rows. 

I also had to scale the kettlebell swings from the Rx 1.5 pood to 1 pood. (a pood is a scale of measurement 1 pood = 36lbs) This was also an increase for me. The wod begins with a 400m run. It was here that the same person suddenly started being super negative and began insulting the wod, the gym and the trainers. Even going so far as to say another gym was better. 

This pissed me off.

Like really pissed me off.

Then I felt my motivation completely evaporate. I pretty much just went through the motions the rest of the time. I'm still not certain what really happened. I love my gym, its my refuge. The trainers are some of the most helpful, supportive people I have ever met, and the wods are tough. I mean tough and I know its not "lazy" planning like the person individual implied. It's probably due to the first time hearing anything negative about the gym and trainers added with having a shitty week. 

Well being me, I posted about it on Facebook and also being me didn't word it right and made the post sound like someone insulted me. A ton of people responded and messaged me, including one of the gym owners, in an attempt to cheer me up. It worked, but I also deleted the post due the miss wording of it. I appreciated everyone's support, but I felt the post wasn't appropriate. 

Wednesday, my Golden Knights lost to the Jersey Devils. LOL this isn't a Hockey blog or I'd go into it more. 

Friday was the 18.4 testing, can't believe that the Open is almost over. I feel like I had my best showing in it ever.  Here is the Wod
21 deadlifts 135lb
21 hand-release push-ups
15 deadlifts 135lb
15 hand-release push-ups
9 deadlifts 135lb
9 hand-release push-ups
21 deadlifts 185lb
50-ft. bear crawl
15 deadlifts 185lb
50-ft. bear crawl
9 deadlifts 185lb
50-ft. bear crawl
Time cap: 9 minutes

Of course this is the scaled version since I cannot do handstand push-ups or Handstand walks. Scoring is 1 rep and with the bear crawls, every 5ft=1 rep. I scored a 134, for the first time I don't think I was the worst score in the gym, we will see later this week but I am confident. I worked out with a guy that was new to the gym, but already in good shape and he wasn't that much ahead of me. This helped restore my confidence in myself a bit. Spending the weekend with my family completed that job. 

Things I do to succeed-
I track my food
I listen to my nutritionist
I listen to my trainers
I wake up and tell myself what I plan to do each morning.

Its nothing difficult, the hardest thing is to push through when you hurt or have lost your motivation. As someone who's almost always hurting (knees) and tends to suffer from losing motivation, the best thing you can do is just listen to those around you, they should give you good motivation, don't listen to any negativity. My Wife and Family, My Friends, My Trainers and My Doctors are always there to support me and I will always support them. 

Until Next Monday

Jeremy Olson
Podcaster, Producer, Blogger, and now Crossfitter!

Follow me on Twitter and instagram 
Twitter @FewMasterJay

Monday, March 12, 2018

18.3, jump rope hate, kryptonite

Happy Monday,

The last week has probably been one of the tougher weeks I've had since I started Crossfit.  All it does is make me more determined to work at getting fit even harder. So lets get the two workouts and the 18.3 wod out of the way first.

For Time
10 Thrusters (I did these at 95lbs!)
50 Double Unders (I had to scale to x3 single unders)
8 Thrusters
40 DU
6 Thrusters
30 DU
4 Thrusters
20 DU
2 Thrusters
10 DU

My time - 13mins 15seconds

Another improvement!!! I increased my thruster weight to 95lbs, my previous working weight was 75. Of course thrusters are hell on my knees and I was pretty sore that evening and the next day, the second part of the workout was pretty tough for me. I've never been good at jumping rope, even as a kid I was not the most coordinated, so I would always get myself tangled up in the rope and when gym class stopped doing jump rope sometime in elementary school I smiled and never looked back. When I first started Crossfit it was a couple weeks before it came up on the wods. I was embarrassed and couldn't do more than a couple in a row. I did do a double under once, and that was on accident and have not been able to do another since. I get frustrated at myself and it throws me off even more, what's worse is I start to get tired and that causes me to mess up, which causes me to get frustrated and the cycle continues. As an incentive to improve, Brendan scaled my double unders to single unders, but to do 3 times as many. For example the 50 double unders was replaced with 150 single unders. I am now able to get 15-30 in a row, until I get tired, then I mess up, then frustrated, then angry when I can't get my rhythm back. Once I get it back, the cycle happens again.  I understand how good of an exercise it is and how good it is for conditioning, and that's why I power through it. Loose skin bouncing and getting painful, along with it completely gassing me out, I still push and power through it.

5 RFT (Rounds for Time)

Kettlebell Overhead Walking Lunge 50ft (I scaled to 2-15lbs dumbbells)
17 Burpees

If you've read my previous blog entries, you know that I have knee problems so walking lunges are totally my kryptonite. My knees were still a little sore from Monday and I was able to stretch them out so they no longer hurt. Then I saw this wod. I nearly cried. Walking knee lunges AND burpees, both are heavy knees and did not look like a good time. Granted my burpees have gotten a lot better and I don't need to modify as much as I used too. My new knee sleeves happen to be 7mm neoprene and that was intentional for situations like this. That little bit of extra padding saves on the pain if I make contact with the ground, and enabled me to touch my knees during the lunges for awhile at first (IMPROVEMENT). I didn't complain, because I subscribe to the saying "Nut Up and Shut Up". I finished with a time of 15:38!!! I didn't die, but felt like I was trying to walk on wet noodles.


2 rounds for time of:
100 double-unders
20 overhead squats
100 double-unders
12 ring muscle-ups
100 double-unders
20 dumbbell snatches
100 double-unders
12 bar muscle-ups
Time cap: 14 minutes

Scaled: (Ages 16-54) Men perform single-unders, 45-lb. OHS, chin-over-bar pull-ups (for both MU sets), 35-lb. DB snatches Women perform single-unders, 35-lb. OH

Well fuck...

At least the scaled is single unders, but there is a caveat... I can't do pull-ups. I've never in my life been able to. In fact my goal this year is to be able to do 1. This means that my score has a max of 220 reps. I still get a tie break time of 4:56 for the SUs and OHS. but everything after doesn't count. Being me, I still scaled the MUs down to jumping pull-ups and was actually able to finish a full round and got 5 SUs into the 2nd round. I'm pretty proud of that and will keep competing.

According to the Crossfit Open App, 
Worldwide Men (40-44) I am number 25,876/28,357 and in the 8th percentile
South West Men (40-44) I am 1,261/1,380 and in the 8th percentile
Crossfit Las Vegas I am last of everyone who's submitted for every wod. There are even people that have missed submission of 1 wod that are doing better than I am. Does this disappoint me, depress me, or feeling defeated?

Hell No

4 months ago, I wasn't even able to do a push-up without scaling a lot, and now I am doing the Open! 4 years ago I was almost 500lbs and 14 months ago I was 400lbs, and now I am doing the Open! This year will also be the 9th Anniversary of my quitting smoking, I was almost 2 packs a day, and now I am doing the Open! Do I wish I had a better score or ranking? Sure I do, but this Open is setting a baseline for myself and to compare myself in a year. I doubt I will be Rx'ing but I sure won't be in the 8th percentile, with most of those I am beating not having a score or have quit because its hard. 

I like that Crossfit is hard. With something being hard and being being able to accomplish it, is a huge reward and has more value than if something was easy or given to me. I've been called an inspiration more than once, but all I do is keep getting up, putting my knee sleeves on and making ever rep count. I know its cliche, but it's really all about just doing it. 

Keeping at the nutrition, lots of protein and good fats, low in the carbs and sugar. At about 1200 calories a day on non-crossfit days.  Crossfit days I add 2-300 more, nothing super human, just using the MyfitnessPal app and smart snacking and eating. Talking to my wife whenever I feel my will power weakening and thinking about being here in the future for my sons is my motivation.

Cliches and other motivational drivel used to annoy me, but you know what, it really does work once you buy into it. You have to want it, as well as, have something to work towards is what everything boils down to. I thank the trainers and people I work out with for helping me keep going while I am working out, I thank my friends and family for helping out when I am not working out. 

Until Next Monday

Jeremy Olson
Podcaster, Producer, Blogger, and now Crossfitter!

Follow me on Twitter and instagram 
Twitter @FewMasterJay

Monday, March 5, 2018

HUGE, Bruised and 18.2

Welcome once again to my fitness journey blog.

Last week was a demanding one. During the Open, I moved to new days and times slots. This is because the Gym does the Open WOD on Fridays. Leaving the basics class is HUGE for me and again I feel like the new guy all over again. I'm nervous and insecure walking into the much larger class, with the Rx'ers. Doing a wod Rx means doing it as prescribed, I am still very much scaled and intimidated by the people that can do them Rx. I know we all start somewhere, and everyone in the gym does make me feel welcome. I'm not shy, but at the same time I am not one that is very approachable either and this also plays into my insecurities and puts me out of my comfort zone going into the new class. I've been in the new class for a week plus now and starting to get more comfortable. It does help that some of the folks did the Saturday morning class with me also, so I am a bit more comfortable, unlike my drop-in at Crossfit Minot.

Dropping In, probably the hardest thing I've ever done, and I did that in January. I was in town for my Father's 60th birthday and I didn't want to miss a session. I'd learned going longer than 2 days without a workout is painful lol. So I found Crossfit Minot on Facebook, sent a message and showed up. Damn hard to do, but again this proves Crossfit people are some of the best and most accepting people I've met.

 I felt accomplished on the normal wods I did Monday and Wednesday and clearly I seem to be improving. Monday was for every 8 mins for 40 mins run 400m, 9 thrusters and 15 chest-to-bars. I was actually able to increase my weight on thrusters to 75lbs, which may not sound like a lot, but its HUGE for me with my bad knees. I also moved up from ring rows, to jumping chest to bars, which is another HUGE improvement for me.

Wednesday's had me feeling great, if not sore lol. It was AMReps (As Many Reps as possible), 12mins. The wod was Box Jumps, Sumo Deadlift High-pulls for 1 min on each, then 2 mins for each and finally 3 mins for each. I still had to scale back, but HUGE improvement for me was instead of a 20in Box I increased to 24in and previously I was only able to 75lbs on SDHP and increased to 115lb!!! Major jump there!!!. Sumo's are an awkward move, especially after doing regular deadlifts. Watch the following video to see how these are done.

Friday was the 18.2 wod for the Crossfit Open, it was 1,2,3,4,5.6,7,8,9,10 with dumbbell squats and bar facing burpees. There was a second part if you finished the first in less than 12 mins was to do a clean. I was actually able to finish the 1st part! Although it only left me 5 seconds to do the clean, which I was not able to do. That being said I am so proud of how far I've come so far, 4 months ago I wasn't even able to do a regular push-up or burpee and now I was able to do the whole dumbbell squats/burpee part of 18.2!!! HUGE. I didn't realize until Saturday afternoon, that throwing the 35lb (I scaled the dumbbell squats) onto my shoulders actually bruised them. 55 reps of dumbbells banging against them didn't bother me until like 24 hours later. My adrenaline was still pretty pumped from the workout. I plan to retest tonight to see if I can get that clean in :)

My nutrition has been still pretty good, although I did go over calories on Saturday. My protein and carbs are pretty on par with what my doctor and nutritionist recommend. I am more or less in maintenance mode and keeping  my calories between 1100 and 1400, I do however try to keep them below 1200. I have been keeping within the same 5lbs, 225-230. The exception is always when I do my workouts. I do try to add additional cals on that day. It can be a challenge, because on those days, I do buckle down on eating as clean as possible and keeping the carbs and sodium at a minimum because I don't want to meet "pukie" at the gym. I keep the carbs out to focus the energy being burned from the remaining fat and not on what I had ingested that day, I do keep carbs in general at a minimum since surgery. A typical gym day food intake is like...
- Protein Bar (Quest)
- Lean protein (usually chicken or turkey) with roasted spaghetti squash and a green veggie.
Afternoon Snack
- unsalted roasted nuts
- Protein bar (Quest)
Post Workout
- 2 Cups Yogurt (Dannon Light and Fit)
- Protein Bar (Quest)

I know it doesn't seem like much, but to a post bariatric surgery patient, its a lot. Yes there are 3 protein bars, and sometimes I will substitute some of them with a protein shake, they are always a different flavor so they don't get old.  The lunch does change, but the basics structure always remains the same.

Got my Rock Tape Knee Sleeves, going to break them in tonight with the redo of 18.2. Damn is I don't have butterflies again as it gets closer. I'm also nervous because the Wife is not feeling well again and had to leave work, hope she will be better by the time I leave for the gym and that our Toddler will behave for her until I get back to put him to bed.

Crossfit to me, has been a life saver. Not just getting in shape to live longer, but as a stress relief and a way for me to workout any anxieties and stress that have built up from the last session. I've spoke to my wife and after the baby arrives, I can attempt everyday until my paternity leave is done. Baby should be here April 12th and I will for the 2 weeks after need to get out for a bit each day. I am worried about the the fact that I will be getting less sleep to recover, I'm not much of a nap taker. Can't fall sleep if the sun is out unless either I am already asleep when it comes up or I'm very sick.

Thank you once again for reading!

Jeremy Olson
Podcaster, Producer, Blogger, and now Crossfitter!

Follow me on Twitter and instagram 
Twitter @FewMasterJay