Monday, April 2, 2018

Looking Forward, New Goals, and 1st Rx

Happy Easter Monday

So Crossfit open is over and done for this broken down old guy lol. I am proud of what I accomplished and made it through every workout.

Now it's time to start planning and working towards my next goals. It's beneficial (for me at least) to shoot for something other than a vague "in shape" type goal. I've never been able to do a pull-up in my life, so that's what I am going to shoot for by the end of the year.
That's a huge thing for me, being a large guy even at my new lowest weight (Did I say I'm down to 218?) and being 6'4" I won't be losing much more weight and now starting to add some back as muscle. This goal I think is very feasible and the trainers at Crossfit Las Vegas agree that I will hit this goal. The goal is achievable which is important for a short term goal, its also hard enough that I have to keep consistent with my routine of diet lifestyle, and keep exercising regularly 3-4 times a week.
I do have longer term goals. These will come into play after I accomplish my pull-up. The first on the list is to be able to run a 5k, the whole time, no walking. After this I want to start participating in more events, such as terrain racing and tough mudder. Those I should be able to start by the end of 2019. Of course, I am always going to strive to be better than I was yesterday.

Now for the workouts from last week.

Monday I had my last Hockey Game for the season (GoKnightsGo), so my first WoD of the week was Tuesday night. The WoD was
7 RTF (Rounds for Time)
7 Muscle Snatches 75lbs
7 Overhead Squats 75lbs
7 Burpees over Bars
There was a 15 minute time limit enforced due to the Challenge class starting after us. I was cut off by the time limit at 5 rounds plus 9 reps, however this wasn't the most exciting part... It was my Fisrt WoD Rx!!!!
Rx means doing the WoD as prescribed by the trainers, 100% of the last 5 months of Crossfit, I've been forced to scale back. Totally pumped after being able to Rx.

Since I had to move my workouts to accommodate the Hockey Game, I ended up with two days in a row and my next workout was Wednesday. Sorry no two in a row Rx'ing.
The skill exercise was a complex
2 Push Jerk + Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1
Followed by the WoD
AMRAP 7mins
Strict Pull-ups and Strict Ring Dips

I got up to a max Push Jerk and Split Jerk at 110lbs, I felt this was a solid improvement still, but my shoulders were beginning to feel odd. During the AMRAP, when I was a the bottom of the ring rows (the scale for pull-ups) the joints themselves began to become inflamed,  and this carried over into the the dips (also scaled). By the end of the workout, my shoulders hurt so bad and the next day I was on the immobile said. The pain on Thursday I would rate at a 7-8. By the time of the workout on Friday the pain was gone except they still felt a little funny.

Friday's Workout
Snatch Balance 1-1-1-1-1
The Wod
AMRAP 10mins
5 Power Snatches
10 Overhead Walking Lunges
1 Rope Climb

After warmups, I was still having discomfort in my shoulders. Also I was called out by Brendan, because my hip speed wasn't fast enough and I wasn't getting low enough for the Snatch Balance. My shoulders start hurting right away whenever I would reset the barbell on to my shoulders. I ended up, after getting up to speed and comfortable with the skill to do it correctly, going lighter than I knew I could due to the shoulder pain. I didn't mind getting called out, I was messing up and would've probably hurt myself a lot worse than I was already hurting with improper technique. Also I needed that fire lit under my ass to do it right. When the workout itself rolled out, I was more than a little afraid. Afraid because I didn't want to aggravate my shoulders and knees more. Yes I included knees, because lunges are my mortal enemy because of my bad knees.
I also had to scale back the rope climb to 10 jumping pull-ups (so happy I didn't do ring rows because of shoulders) they still hurt. I was able to get 4 + 9reps. Omg talk about pain all weekend. Today feels better with the right aching.

Weight news, I hit a new low of 218.4lbs

Prepping for the new baby, should be here in 10 days!!!!

Jeremy Olson
Podcaster, Producer, Blogger, and now Crossfitter!

Follow me on Twitter and instagram 
Twitter @FewMasterJay

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