Monday, April 9, 2018

Blood, Sweat and lots of WoDs

Happy Motivation Monday!

Last week was a lot of pain.

To begin with, my shoulders were still aching from the heavy shoulder work we did the previous week, and Monday's skill work was 3 sets of 10 back squats. I got up to 115lbs but my knees were really bothering me so it was a disappointment, since I know I can do better, however I do have to listen to my body first. WoD was a
10min AMRAP
10 Pull-ups
10 Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls, 95

Of course since I don't have pull-ups yet I was forced to scale to jumping pull-ups. I've been working some extra I am getting closer on my kips. The SDHP, I was able to Rx at 95lbs. Crazy that I am able to Rx some parts of the WoDs now. These are so awkward, with the wide stance and narrow grip, it is hard to get used to at first. These deadlifts really didn't help my shoulders, but oddly enough my knees didn't cause me any issues.

Because of REAL LIFE, I ended up having to take another 2 days off in a row. LOL I am ok as long as I don't take off more than two in a row, or I really pay for it, besides starting the week of 4/16 I will be working out everyday except Sundays until 4/26. That's 9 workouts in 10 days. I am off work for 2 weeks because my Wife will be giving birth to our 2nd son on April 12th! I need to get out of the house or I will go stir crazy and drive us both nuts, and what better thing to do than workout.


Did I actually just say that??? Before I began this journey into fitness, when faced with 2 weeks off, I would've still made sure to go out everyday. Just that it would have a lot of calories involved. Movies (popcorn and $30 worth of snacks and high cal drinks) or lunches with friends, eating enormous amounts of food. When my first son was born, when I wasn't in the room with my Wife, I was eating something. Seriously, I can't believe how much I used to eat and just sit around. I swear, gained 20lbs just in the couple days my Wife was in the hospital.

Ok, that train of thought derailed.

The WoD was
5 x AMReps 3mins: Front Squats, Box Jumps, and Row Calories.

This one needs a little translation. It is 5 rounds that are 3 mins in length, with a 3 minute break between rounds. The score is the total number of Calories rowed from each round. The link following this paragraph discussing rowing in more detail. So for weight on the front squat, I used 115lbs. My knees were feeling better and I was confident of them holding out on the same weight I struggled with on Monday. Box Jumps I went at 24 inches, which I am still getting used to. My knees were feeling so good I was able to do the first set of 10 FS without stopping, and I turned and went to my Box Jumps (not going to shorten it to BJ for obvious reasons) and completely biffed it on the very first one, cutting up my shin a good couple inches. So I sucked it up and pushed through. So my rounds below are list in Calorie Score
1: 32
2: 37
3: 31
4: 25
5: 15

Round 2 was the highest score in the gym that day by 2 calories!!! Round 4 you can tell I was tired, and round 5... I managed to get through FS fairly quickly, no pauses in lifting and sped over to my box for box jumps, and about half way through; I stumbled, fell, and landing directly on the shin that was scraped and cut up. Talk about pain, I even left a smallish puddle of blood on the ox after the fall. I didn't land on my ass but I had to stop for a few moments and collect myself (Swearing constantly) I let the trainer know what happened and finished my jumps and got on the rower for a 15 cal finish. I was 10 short of being 1st in the gym for score. I ended up 2nd highest score and was still proud, but hurting. When I got home I realized that the way I landed, impacted my hip in such a way that it hurt. I still had one more workout the next day.

So right leg feeling all fucked up, with a sore hip. Shoulders at about 90% of normal. I get out my phone and look on my Beyond The WhiteBoard app to see what the Workout today is...
Run 1 mi TT
Translation - running 1 mile time trail... ummm I haven't ran a mile since high school and even then I wasn't able to finish it 100% nonstop.
AMRAP 10 mins: Kettlebell Swings + 15 Burpees + GHD Sit-ups

I got to the gym a little early since i know that I was going to need some extra warming up with all my pain. So I was actually able to finish the mile, non stop and wasn't even the slowest person!!! I finished at 9 mins 45 seconds. Another pretty proud showing, even though I know its very slow still. As for the WoD I finished with 123 total reps. I used the purple kettlebell (I don't remember the weight at the moment) and with too many people and self doubt I scaled the GHD sit-ups to using an ab mat. With scaling the sit-ups I had to do more which is good and will help me get there eventually. A solid workout, and I was able to get by without my grips and lifting knee sleeves (just used compression ones).

As for nutrition, I am not a vegetarian. However, lately I have been eating at least 80% of my meals meat-free. I still have eggs and dairy, but even those have been egg whites and just cheese. My protein has been coming from egg whites, soy and beans and I have been feeling satiated. This has been intentional. Going vegetarian for the majority of meals has helped with inflammation of my joints. I've been able to maintain my diet of 1200-1400 Calories a day and keep my protein between 90-120 grams recommend by my doctor and nutritionist. I've never realized how much what you eat affects performance and how a person feels on a day by day basis.

On days I've had BBQ, I've found that my knees don't last as long and my elbows and shoulders start to get sore and ache. Compared to days I've had tofu, beans and protein bars (whey protein), knees last significantly longer, and rarely do elbows and shoulders ache (the exception is if I am recovering). Some recommendations that I have are to replace meat in foods like curry and other ethnic cuisines with tofu, since tofu has a mild flavor that is overwhelmed by spices. My Wife and I have been grilling Morning Star Spicy Black Bean Burgers, with a lettuce bun. I slightly burn them to give a smokey flavor and texture. Another find, which is my go to when eating out at lunch from work is the Impossible Burger. You can get these at Greens and Proteins in Las Vegas or Fatburger everywhere else. I get these also with a lettuce bun instead of bread.

This week is a super exciting week, as I said my Wife and I are welcoming our newest edition on Thursday.

Jeremy Olson
Podcaster, Producer, Blogger, and now Crossfitter!

Follow me on Twitter and instagram 
Twitter @FewMasterJay

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