Friday, February 23, 2018

500lbs to Crossfit Open


Today is the first day of the 2018 Crossfit Open for me.

This is a major milestone for me in my journey to being physically fit.

First we should do a little background on me. Here are some pictures of me from 2011-2014

As you can see I was quite the heavy fellow, in fact my highest documented documented was was in 2012 and the scale tipped at 496 pounds! I initially started on my own to try and lose some weight, which I kept failing utterly and bouncing between the same 15-20lbs so I made an appointment to see about getting a LapBand procedure done. Keep in mind this was still 2012. I made an appointment at Oband and with my BMI in the 50s I was referred to a bariatric surgeon. First things first I was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea and immediately put on a CPAP. The surgeon at the time advised that I would only lose 50 or so lbs with the LapBand and recommended a Gastric Sleeve procedure and went over the details of it. 

This scared the absolute shit out of me!

For more info on it
The reason it scared me so badly was that in 2006 my mother had passed away from complications of a Gastric Bypass. So I went through the motions of the process to get ready for the sleeve, doing the presurgery diet and tests, however after about 4 months of this I had lost 120 lbs on my own. I thought that "Hey I can do this on my own! I don't need surgery!" So I chickened out of my surgery and convinced myself it wasn't fear and that it was confidence that I could do it on my own. 

Fast forward to 2016
At the beginning of the year a friend of my wife began the process herself at Blossom Bariatrics. I checked my own weight and discovered that I was back up to 435lbs, and just could not lose it again. I couldn't keep to any diet or exercise program I tried. My diet was back to eating large amounts of fast food, carbs and sweets. I was easily consuming more than 4,000 calories a day. As for exercise, oh I had a fitbit and tried to get at least 7500 steps a day, but nothing more. Lying to myself about my physical condition had become the norm. So I made the decision to begin the process again and made an appointment at Blossom Bariatrics for June 21. 

My insurance required 6 months from the initial consult to the actual surgery for approval. So I quit soda right away and began working on adjusting my diet. Still had trouble motivating myself for exercise and was not consistent with it. Over this time period I got as low a 427, kept losing and gaining the same 5lbs over and over. My insurance required only that I was below my initial consult weight before getting approval. So with that low of a goal I also really didn't adjust my portion sizes. More importantly I used the time to prepare myself mentally. I researched the surgery constantly include potential complications. My Beautiful and wonderful wife also started the process at the same time. In November 2016 I was approved for surgery by my insurance, got a small boost because of a hiatal hernia. December 1st I weighed in at 427, stopped caffeine and began my presurgery diet of lean proteins and green vegetables. This diet, I learned was to shrink my liver so that the doctor would have a greater chance of success with preforming the procedure.  

My Surgery was scheduled for December 30th 2016. I stepped on the scale at the clinic and weighed in at 401 lbs. I went under and when I awoke, the doctor had advised that 85% of my stomach was removed. The first few days are still a haze, missed New Years Eve, my wife was awesome in supporting me during this time. She had gone through it 3 weeks before me, so that we could take turns caring for our son during recovery. 

Bariatric Surgery is not the easy way out. 

I was on liquids for about a week and then on soft foods like scramble egg (note its not plural) and cottage cheese. I barely got enough water and that was from Beef, Chicken and Bone broth for the most part. I could only sip and take the smallest of bites without major restrictions kicking in. My goals were simple:
In A Day in order of priority
800-1200 calories 
90-120 grams of LEAN Protein 
Avoid carbs
finally good fats (avocado is delish)

In the first few months of surgery it was actually incredibly hard to get calorie and protein goals. I mostly used genepro medical grade protein and mixed it into Protein Hot Chocolate from BariatricPal, Syntax's Nectar Shakes were my primary meals and I would have them several times a day, since the fruit flavored ones were light and thin unlike most protein shakes. After about a month like this I transitioned to including items like tuna salad and protein bars (well chewed). 

I've seen online in a lot of places, especially Facebook groups like RK Living Room and Las Vegas Gastric Sleevers that the first 6 months after the surgery, that the sleeve does all the work for the first 6 months and after that its all on the patient. This is absolutely true! First 6 months, on May 30th I was 300 lbs and loving it, however I noticed that my restriction (Bariatric patient code word for full sooner) was going away. Once again I began to worry and dread gaining weight back. I began walking more and trying to get physically more active. Playing with my son, walking and spending more time outside but without a dedicated fitness routine or program. 

My weight loss slowed and I began encountering several stalls (more bariatric code words, this one meaning plateau or no loss). So in October after discussing it with my, I signed up for a fitness eval at Crossfit Las Vegas, with the owner Brendan Gilliam. My first impressions were...
Omg, this place is huge and I don't belong!
What the fuck do I think I'm doing here?????
Ugh, I am going to embarrass myself so bad among these athletes!
At first meeting I was even more worried when I saw how fit Brendan was! After initial introductions, I changed into my workout clothes and went through the baseline workout. Damn was I exhausted and sore, but the approach Brendan took with introducing me to a wod (Workout of the Day) and scaling back to my fitness level, mixed with more than half the people there coming up to me, encouraging me, chatting with me before and after, and just making me feel comfortable. These factors made me sign up for a basics class for a year long contract. A few more sessions with some gear recommendations from the trainers (which I took and am thankful for!) and I upgraded to the Unlimited Contract, any session and open gym access. No regrets!

3 times a week since October 23rd...

I am down to 225 lbs. and in the best shape of my life. Granted I still get issues with my knees for those nagging football injuries mixed with the damage being morbidly obese causes, but this week I finally decided to take a big leap and I registered for the Crossfit Open! I completely understand that I will still need to scale and I have a long ways to go, but I will update this blog every week for the Open and discuss it, my week in nutrition and fitness subjects for those on a journey to fitness.

Here are some progress pics and recent pics

Jeremy Olson
Podcaster, Producer, Blogger, and now Crossfitter


  1. My God!! Sir I am so blown away, I hardly recognize you!! So inspiring dude. You are amazing.
